Botanical Shabby Blogs

Monday, November 3, 2014

Quick Question

I'll probably end up asking at intatters, but just wondering: Does anyone know of an anchor pattern?  I made something anchor-esque a few years ago, but I didn't write down the patter or anything and I don't think it would be big enough anyway.  I have nothing with which to bribe The Amazing Jane Eborall, and she doesn't currently have one on her website, so I'd hate to bother a tatting celebrity and legend with my measly request, so I hope someone knows of a pattern that exists...  

Stephanie Grace
(P.S. If The Amazing Jane Eborall reads this, I swear I'm not putting you on the spot; I'm just used to your patterns as my go-to and I know that you have plenty of things that are not of the norm, so I was a bit shocked that a friend asked for a whole nautical theme with your patterns, but neither of us saw an anchor.)  :-* 


  1. Sorry to let you down!!!!!! I've seen anchors but can't remember where. Have you tried asking Mr Google? He's so good at finding things.

  2. Here is one

  3. I'm pretty sure I saw an anchor on Intatters in the last week or so. Hope you find one that will work for you!
